Hate Speech or Symbols

Hate speech is not allowed on UPDEED. Race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, age, victims of a major violent event, and serious sickness are all factors that must be considered. 


Content that encourages violence against people or organizations based on any of the aforementioned characteristics. 

Generalizations that state inferiority (in written or visual form) in the following ways:

  1. Physical deficiencies
  2. Expressions of disgust 

Physical deficiencies are defined as those about:

  • Hygiene, including, but not limited to: filthy, dirty, smelly.
  • Expressions of dismissal, including, but not limited to: don’t respect, don’t like, don’t care for

Expressions of disgust (in written or visual form), which we define as:

  • Expressions suggesting that the target causes sickness, including, but not limited to: vomit, throw up.
  • Content explicitly providing or offering to provide products or services that aim to change people’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Content attacking concepts, institutions, ideas, practices or beliefs associated with protected characteristics, which are likely to contribute to imminent physical harm, intimidation or discrimination against the people associated with that protected characteristic.
  • Content that incite hatred against people or organizations based on any of the aforementioned characteristics. 

If you have any issues/complaints/feedback/suggestions, kindly contact us on the customer support desk.