The first time Kanaga Lakshmi came to the Amar Seva Sangam rehabilitation centre in Ayikudi, she was barely able to walk. The year was 2017. She was severely affected by polio. Over the next few months, the therapists at our centre focussed on her rehabilitation and provided medical care. Kanaga was always interested in sports and has a dream of representing India. As her condition started to improve, she focussed on active sports. She trained for wheelchair races and wheelchair basketball. Her hard work has finally paid off. Earlier in the month, Kanaga won a Gold Medal in 100 meter race and Silver medal in 400 meter wheelchair race. The competition was organised at the National Level by Indian Oil Corporation. “I feel proud that I have finally been able to make my dream come true. I now hope to compete at the future Abilympics and represent the country,” she says. . . . . #LivetoServe #AnInclusiveWorld #EnablingInclusion #Disability #pwd #disabilityrights #DifferentlyAbled #inclusion #specialneeds #accessibility #AmarSevaGlobalAssociation #AmarSevaSangam #ASSA