Meet Triza Mukui who has never allowed disability to define her instead, she is defining herself by her work for the community and empowering other people living with disabilities. Through a non-governmental organization called Edmund Rice center, Mrs. Mukui has managed to train other people living with different disabilities to rely on their skills. In a community where challenges facing people living with disabilities are discussed in low tones, Mukui is empowering such people to come out strongly and speak about their rights. Edmund Rice center The center works through three major pillars: Advocacy & Community Outreach, Special Education, and Social Economic Empowerment with their major target being youth and children with disability/autism. Mukui, in collaboration with others, offers therapy, education, handicrafts, and urban farming to these special groups. Her motto remainsā€¯ Come and be present, compassionate, and liberate children with disability together with their families from fear and low self-esteem.ā€¯ #LetsUPDEED #Kibra #womenchangemakers #womencanlead