Hello! everyone, it's Dioh Victory and today I would be telling you a bit about myself. I was born crippled from birth, my disability was as a result of fake drugs which basically deformed me from the womb and left me handicapped. It's took me time to accept reality and to accept myself the way I am. It's wasn't easy for me, I have lived with the trauma for years, coupled with a lot of stigmatisation and criticism. but in all I was privileged to have a family who understood my predicament and my mom who was has always been my source of hope, and she single handedly trained me in school. The burden was much but thanks to God I was able to pull through irrespective of the challenges. I was brilliant and a good student during my school days, I'm proud of myself and happy for my existence. I want to encourage you all, no matter the circumstances or the challenges you're facing, God is always with you and most importantly be happy. disability isn't a barrier towards success rather its a stepping stone towards greatness and more exploits. Thank you all and God bless you. #Inspiration #positivity