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Priyangi M


A child’s present is the world’s future. Ensuring that every child is provided with the same level of care and facilities today is what paves the way for a better planet tomorrow. ~ SHARP (School Health Annual Report Programme) is an NGO working under the guidance of health professionals, sociologists as well as scientists; now one of India’s largest health networks working across the country. ~ SHARP has spent years funding and organizing health check ups in schools, as well as spreading information about proper sanitation and health protocols. More recently, an UPlifting DEED by SHARP has been working to minimize the effect of the pandemic on children by creating programmes targeting the betterment of their mental health, encouraging innovation etc. They also worked towards raising funds for frontline workers and organizing donation drives to give back to the heroes of the country. SHARP also runs a pan-India Digital Awareness Volunteer Base that is a platform consisting of tele-healthcare, and ways of making people more knowledgeable about basic hygiene and spreading covid awareness. ~ #SHARPNGO #health #NGO #covid #UPDEED #awareness #students #Healthcare #StayAtHome #coronaviruspandemic #schools #school #schoolhealth #safet

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