@PaisleyElliot is an 8 year old who has been underestimated by everyone who gets to know her. At a very young age, she already has a sense of understanding that most adults lack. When she was in pre-school, she learnt about refugees. She couldn’t relate but saw how other children her age didn’t have a proper place to stay or any toys to play with. She decided to do something about this and with the help of her family, she set up ‘Paisley’s PALS’. This was an attempt to do something from her side to make a difference. She donated all her toys to refuge children and convinced her friends to do so too. She managed to collect more than 200 toys, wrapped them up and sent it to children in Syria. With the huge success of this initiative, her organisation has now collected enough funds to donate supplies such as tents, first aid kits and books to refugees in Mexico. Her mission is to make sure all the children are equal, receive education and grow up to to be changemakers because our current situation should not define our future. #youngchangemaker #goodeed #donating #toys #equality #refugee