How To Raise Grateful Children
In this world where beautiful things can be neglected and taken for granted, it’s a breath of fresh air to be with someone who genuinely appreciates the little things in life. Learning to be grateful for everything you have is one of the secrets to achieving true happiness and contentment and inspires people to pay it forward with good deeds. So it’s no wonder why most parents are passionate about teaching the value of gratitude in raising their children. This article shares practical tips for teaching your little ones to be more grateful.

Lead by example
As parents, your kids look up to you and see you as the best role models. One of the most effective ways to impart knowledge to your children is through leading by example. Start by showing them how to say “thank you” when they or somebody else does a nice thing for you. For example, always say thank you to them when they follow your instructions or do something kind. Or when you’re at the restaurant, thank the waitress when they hand you the menu or give your orders. Ask them to do the same when they receive theirs.
Encourage conversations about gratitude
Having meaningful discussions can make it easier for your children to grasp the concept of gratitude or why it’s essential. You can do this by talking about why you are most grateful for having them in your life, which, aside from teaching them gratitude, also reassures them of your love. Make it a habit to ask them about their day and what they’re most thankful for during dinnertime. In addition, doing so is also an excellent exercise to help your little ones open up about how their day went, speak up about what they feel, and understand their emotions.
Put things in perspective
Help your children appreciate certain privileges they have by putting things in perspective. For example, teach them about the value of money and hard work by discussing needs versus wants. However, it’s also crucial that we not only highlight material things when teaching thankfulness. You can also emphasize how good health and spending quality time can be a luxury in other households.
Let them be a blessing to others
Volunteering is an incredible way to teach thankfulness and generosity to your kids. It enables them to see the world of their comfy and sheltered lives, appreciate what they have, and realize that they have more than enough with much to spare for others.
- Ask them to choose a local organization that advocates a cause close to their heart that accepts child volunteers. It can be sending handmade cards to kids or seniors in the hospital or taking care of animals at an animal rescue center.
- Help them sort toys they’re ready to let go and clothes that no longer fit them to be donated to charity.
- Invite them to bake cookies or create little gifts with you to be given away to neighbors or less fortunate members of your community as tokens of gratitude during the holidays, like Thanksgiving or Christmas.
About the Author:
Jade Piper writes for Milwaukee-based home cleaning company BetterCleans. Doing what she loves for a living and having the opportunity to do what she’s most passionate about, like traveling and bonding with her loved ones, are just some of the things she’s most grateful for.
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