Globally, close to 800,000 people die from #suicide every year. That is 1 person every 40 seconds. Every suicide is a #devastation for everyone around the sufferer. What can you and me do to try and #prevent it or even contribute towards a positive impact? 1. Observe your near and dear 2. Raise awareness 3. If you sense suicidal tendencies in a person try and guide them, spend time understanding the reasons. Connect to the experts. 4. Have conversations. Loneliness is not a solution. Talk to them openly. 5. Offer help. iCALL | Free Telephone & Email based Counseling Services- 9152987821 Fortis stress helpline (Delhi)- +918376804102 Sangath- 011-41198666 Mitram Foundation- +919019708133 Medical consultation for health (Punjab)- 104 Arpita Suicide Prevention Helpline- 080-23655557 Lifeline Foundation (Kolkata)- +91 033 24637401, +91 033 24637432 One Life (Hyderabad)- +91 7893078930 Sneha India Foundation (Chennai)- +91 044-24640050