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The Handwashing Experience: The Magic of Clean Hands Campaign.
Good Health and Well-being, Clean Water and Sanitation
Many communities, especially among children, lack awareness and access to effective handwashing practices, leading to increased rates of preventable diseases and school absenteeism. Insufficient education on proper techniques and ...

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Bridging the Learning Gap: Empowering Ugandan Students through Technology
Quality Education
Uganda, home to over 15 million students across various educational levels, faced an unprecedented challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic. With schools closed for two academic yearsā€”longer than any other country in the worldā€”t ...

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The Mama Care Project_Nurturing Futures: Empower Refugee Teen Mothers
Quality Education, Gender Equality, Good Health and Well-being
In Nakivale Refugee Settlement, the Mama Care Project shines as a beacon of hope for teen mothers under 18 and their newborns. This initiative supports these young families with essential healthcare, education, and community suppo ...

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Transform a Child's Future: Join Us at the HB Children's Center
Quality Education, Good Health and Well-being, No Poverty
In the sprawling fields of rural neighborhoods, where opportunity is often overshadowed by adversity, many children and families confront daily challenges that threaten their safety and potential. Imagine if we could shift this re ...

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